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Network Overview

Remote Sites & Awetobot manages each remote site separately. This allows users to cater different configurations and specifications unique to each site. For example, an automation can run daily on Site A whereas on Site B, the same automation runs every week.

For each remote network, an Awetobot is required to be installed in order to receive instructions from the Portal.

Below is an illustration of how each remote network connects to the portal via the Awetobot

Overview Network

Onboarding Nodes to is designed for simplicity and speed at its core. This design mantra ensures users can begin onboarding their nodes quickly and easily. The following few steps are all that is required to onboard nodes and then begin managing and automating your network.

Overview Network4

Minimum requirements to license/onboard nodes

In order for to communicate effectively with the nodes in a network, the following is required of every node in order to License/onboard successfully:

  • Be IP-based and already assigned with an IP Address

  • Communicable via SSH (22), Telnet (23), HTTP/S,API (80,443) (at least one(1))

  1. also supports the above communication types if the ports are mapped to another port number. This must be declared explicitly when keying in the credentials of the nodes

  2. For nodes which are API-based, the URL should also include the port number